
If you’re actually new to this game, finding the info you’re looking for can be pretty hard… Hell if you’re not new to this game it can still be in a pain. FF players REALLY like discords.

BIS & Rotation

The Balance

The Balance

Looking for your BIS? Ready to learn the most optimal rotation for your job? Don’t know what food you should be eating? Don’t worry, the sweat lords in The Balance have already crunched the numbers and can tell you exactly what you should be doing. They also have a website now, but I don’t think anyone actually keeps it up to date.


Centurio Hunts

Centurio Hunts

Want to get some… man are they really called Sacks of Nuts? Well… This Discord organizes hunt trains. They can help you farm out… Sacks of nuts… and hunt achievements.

Hunting Logs

Dimensional Death

Dimensional Death

I swear by this being one of the most helpful resources I’ve ever found for this game. There are some issues in the naming for some of the maps here, but this has saved me so much time.

Dimensional Death also has a cooler website then we do. I love the forum aesthetic, it feels so old-school. Takes me back to the good days before Discord admins were calling people kittens and we were all talking shit in Teamspeak. Good times.

Fashion Report

Kaiyoko Star

Kaiyoko Star

Fashun. Find the easy 80 and 100 point solutions for this week’s fashion report. Kaiyoko Star is actually a legend for this. We’re also subscribed to Fashion Report in our discord’s #fashion-report channel.


FFXIV Housing

FFXIV Housing

The true endgame. Housing. Getting a house out of the housing lottery on Aether is harder then beating an Ultimate. This server lists the plots that will be up for bid in the next lottery period. Good luck.

Submarine Builders

Submarine Builders

The best kept secret in the world, if you’re reading this here this is probably useless to you. Don’t talk about fight club.


XIV Launcher (Dalamud)

XIVLauncher (Dalamud)

The XIV Launcher is a replacement to the original launcher for FFXIV. It’s against ToS, but pretty much everyone is using it. This launcher allows you to save your username and password so you’re not logging in all the time and it enables multi-threaded downloading.

XIV launcher comes with a built in mod loader called Dalamud, you can turn this off if you don’t want it, but you want it. Don’t talk about mods in game or stream while using them and you’ll probably be fine, you’ll absolutely be in good company.

Penumbra (Visual Mods)


This lets you replace textures and models in game without a restart and without doing any destructive editing. That means your files remain untouched, so theoretically if SE ever started doing integrity checks you’d be safe. But they won’t because everyone is also using this.

Penumbra Repo:

Glamourer (Character Modification)


It’s like fantasia but client side and it doesn’t cost you any money. Cosmetic changes only, allows you to edit your character’s gear and appearance.

Glamourer Repo:

Mare Synchronos (Visual Mod Syncing)

Mare Synchronos

This takes all the visual modding you can do with Penumbra & Glamourer and syncs it with your friends. This is absolute techno wizardry and Floof has made it so simple a caveman could do it.

Mare Repo: