How to help – 6.58


Finish your MSQ. Don’t rush it. If you’re still running the MSQ when 7.0 drops it’s not a big deal, don’t worry about anything else listed here until you’ve seen the end of your MSQ. Save your tomes and time for yourself.

Everyone Else

If you’re not working on legacy relics you can turn in Allagan Tomestones of Poetics for Unidentifiable Ore by talking to Hismena in Idyllshire. You can then trade Unidentifiable Ore for Grade 3 Thanalan Topsoil by talking to Bertana in Idyllshire. This is used for gardening. You can put it in the FC chest or give it Skye Gemcroft or Matty Katos.

We’re going for larger and nicer houses, Gil donations are nice but not required, if you’ve got more money then you know what to do with, put some in the FC chest. Most ranks can’t pull the Gil back out after putting it in, so be careful. If you make a mistake, you can reach out to leadership.

Speaking of houses, if you’ve been in the FC for 30 days and are interested in placing a bid for the FC on a plot, please make Skye Gemcroft aware of that. Please also be aware that if you’re placing a bid on a FC plot you can’t also place a bid on a plot for yourself. Placing a bid on a FC plot requires you to be given elevated permissions in the FC that are quite dangerous. Please be very careful when you have this role for duration of the housing lotto.


These jobs will be very important in early Dawntrail. They will be incredible money makes and will be the jobs that get the resources for making pots, food, and raid gear.

Get all your gatherer jobs to 90.

Collect some Revised Survival Manuals.

Cap on all scripts.


Not the same level of necessity as gatherers, but still very helpful, crafters will be making pots, food, and raid gear. The more crafters the merrier, but please consider capping your gatherers first.

Get some crafting jobs to 90.

Collect some Revised Engineering Manuals.

Cap on all scripts.


Have jobs you expect to play next expansion at 90.

If you want to join the Homestead raid team, you’ll need to be able to devote 2 hours a day 2/3 days a week to raiding in FFXIV. We’ll be running between 8:00pm and 10:00pm EST.

If you’ve got your jobs at 90 and would like a spot on the Homestead raid team reach out to Matty Katos for a trial. There will also be a level 100 trial in 7.0.